ANAHAW CERTIFIED. Sangat Island Dive Resort has recently received the ANAHAW – Philippine Sustainable Tourism Certification which was developed by the Zero Carbon Resort (ZCR) Project led by GrAT – Center for Appropriate Technology, funded by European Union Switch Asia Programme in collaboration with the Department of Tourism (DOT).
The development of the ANAHAW – Philippine Sustainable Tourism Certification through ZCR Project is strongly supported by the Department of Tourism and fully in line with the National Tourism Development Plan 2016-2022 aiming at a highly competitive, environmentally sustainable and socially responsible tourism industry that promotes inclusive growth.
By doing this, the certification empowers hotels and resorts with practices and techniques that save energy, water, fuel, and other resources, reduce waste and carbon emissions to improve the overall operational efficiency, to increase profit and at the same time, to create a more sustainable tourism industry. ANAHAW certification was one of the major collaborative outputs between the project team and DOT.
With its main goal revolving around the slogan, “Innovation, Environment and the Value”, the ANAHAW is a national certification designed for tourist accommodation facilities in order to make the tourism industry in the country, more vibrant, leading to inclusive growth through meeting the certification criteria comprised of a set of indicator and performance-based metrics, both qualitative and quantitative. ANAHAW Certification is also a vital element for the sustainability of the ZCR for Sustainable Tourism Project in the Philippines.
Present during the awarding ceremony held last August 31 are (Please refer to the
names below of representatives from DOT, ZCR Project and EU).
• Dr. Robert Wimmer
Managing Director
GrAT – Center Appropriate Technology
Project Lead, Zero Carbon Resorts (ZCR) Project
• Mr. Arturo P. Boncato, Jr.
Undersecretary for Tourism Regulation, Coordination & Resource Generation and
concurrent Secretary’s Chief of Staff
Department of Tourism (DOT)
• Mr. Gabriel Dayre
Program Manager
Delegation of the European Union to the Philippines
SOURCE: GrAT-Center for Appropriate Technology