Hermosa, Bataan – The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) has allocated P590 million for the river and road diversion project in Barangay Palihan of this town.
Phot by: hermosa.gov.ph |
Engineer Erlindo R. Flores Jr., Bataan DPWH First Engineering district director said the rechanneling of Palihan river, a flood mitigation priority project of the DPWH Regional Office, is expected to be completed next year.
Citing the technical study of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Flores said the infrastructure project would prevent massive flooding in the two adjacent municipalities of Dinalupihan and Hermosa, which suffers perennial flooding due to inadequate river outlets.
When strong rains occur, he explained that houses, farmlands, public works utilities and other sources of livelihood of the residents of Hermosa and Dinalupihan towns are destroyed by rampaging rainwaters coming from the mountain ranges of Zambales, Bataan, and Pampanga.
Source: news.mb.com.ph